重新看了一下,在原来三星评价上再加一星。请原谅我以前只留意了凯特温斯莱特以及情色噱头而忽略了这部电影的思想性。终于有些明白为何西方对性交的态度会如此开放。性交本身并不罪恶,只是滥交让我感到厌恶。西方之所以在精神和肉体上完全放开性交尺度算是继承了当时下层对上层父权礼制压迫的反抗。这是对道貌岸然的伪君子们的嘲笑,也是个体的自我解放。不过就是发展到现代就是有些矫枉过正甚至走偏了。有关萨德迫切需要疯狂书写的感觉,我能懂。当人脑子里灌满想法时,写出来就是排解与自救。只有书写,能让他感受到自己的思想还活着,生命还在跳动。(2022) ======== 慕名前来,却…(2013)
Ridiculously thought-provoking. The underside of the American dream. When it is often presented as a path to follow, a social and personal ascension, possibly all the way to the top, American Psycho proposes to show us not how you get there, but who you have become at the end of the journey. The MC is a narcissistic imposter, an ultra-conformist consumer, and a cold rational serial killer. Incapable of empathy, fascinated by violence, obsessed with symbols of success, materialistic to the core and profoundly unhappy. But is it possible to break free from the nuclear chain reaction of simulacrums? A radical answer is given at the ending, an outstanding "chute".